
Facts that prove the earth is flat
Facts that prove the earth is flat

  • Some flat earthers claim that nasa has been faking space travel, and that images of a spherical earth are just elaborate hoaxes.
  • Despite overwhelming scientific evidence supporting a spherical earth, many flat earthers deny this and believe that a global conspiracy exists to cover up the truth.
  • Flat earth societies and groups have sprung up around the world, and individuals who claim that the earth is flat have become more vocal in their beliefs.
  • In recent years, the flat earth theory has gained momentum with the rise of social media platforms.
  • facts that prove the earth is flat

    However, the belief in a flat earth has persisted in some cultures and religious groups.

  • Over the centuries, the concept of a spherical earth was generally accepted by the scientific community.
  • In the sixth century bc, greek philosopher pythagoras was one of the first to suggest that the earth was not a flat disk, but a sphere.
  • The flat earth theory dates back to ancient times when people believed that the earth was flat and that the sun and the moon orbited around it.
  • Let’s delve deeper into this topic and explore the brief history, the current debate, and some of the shocking revelations surrounding the flat earth theory. But what if we told you that there are people out there who genuinely believe in it and have proof to back it up? This article will examine the arguments presented by flat earth proponents and explain why they are scientifically unsound.Ĭredit: Uncovering Undeniable Proof The Earth Is Flat: Shocking RevelationĪs absurd as it may sound, the flat earth theory is making a comeback, with some groups even claiming that the earth is not a sphere, but a vast disc. However, there is no conclusive evidence to support these claims.

    facts that prove the earth is flat

    These beliefs have been fueled by the internet and social media, where the spread of misinformation is rampant. Conspiracy theories regarding the supposed cover-up by governments and scientific organizations have arisen.

    facts that prove the earth is flat

    Despite this, some still claim that the earth is actually flat. For centuries, people believed that the earth was flat, but scientific knowledge and technological advancements have proved otherwise.

    Facts that prove the earth is flat